Claire Payne
They give me the silver spoon while they eat with plastic spoons. One did…
They give me the silver spoon while they eat with plastic spoons. One did…
I’m a richer person now. They gave me love. I have always had respect for…
The kids were one of my main passions at the station. My little Eko hereos. I…
When arriving here, the contact with the refugees touches our souls. For me, it is…
The first boat landing is hard to forget, standing on the shore of Skala in…
Once we were talking about young generation of Kurdistan – he told me he doesn´t…
At that moment of his story, I crashed. I turned aside, turned my back and…
I’m a few thousand kilometers away from my home city, Not even a single euro…
I saw a man douse himself in petrol and set himself alight at the border,…
These people are survivors, they don’t need us to give them items. We should accept…
My eyes will remember the cold nights in Idomeni….my heart will stay warm from the…
A 60 year old woman with metastasis breast cancer that I visited every day with…
I looked at him and he introduced himself in three languages: English, German and Spanish….
Sadly this time it was nothing human but something very inhuman about the treatment of…
It is not true that one cannot do anything, nor that it is a political issue. One…
I remember her scars and her sad eyes. Too young to understand why she was…
The people, who risked their life and who have lost everything, are on the…
A little smile, a hug… today a little girl offered me a bunch of flowers…
The one thing that has struck me the strongest is the incredible strength and…
She wanted to show me the woman behind the refugee, to remind me that she…
There was that refugee called Kerim who said about his 5 year old daughter Deriah:…
I kind of panicked on my first day on Lesvos when two boats arrived at…
So many people had to cross a river without a bridge, sleep outside in wet…
You learn that refugees are normal people trying to live. Trying to survive. They are…
Living here in the middle of all this, looking into the eyes of sad, frightened…
I didn’t know much about Lesvos,I went there for several reasons….the trigger for me…
The sundown in Idomeni, with everybody lighting the fires, a shocking…
I will always remember a young father from Afghanistan who was missing a leg. He…
knowing you’ve helped deliver 3000 bananas or portions of soup is a great feeling Dave…
I came to Greece alone, mainly because I wanted to educate myself on the refugee…
I remember holding her really tightly, and running with her to the women’s tent in…
I realised they were arriving with nothing; cold, wet and frightened. I was once in…
I remember one little boy (maybe 5 years old) who I played with. He had…
I knew everything that was going on for a long time. Heard it from friends,…
Well, I wanted to come here over Christmas vacation already, but then my aunt passed…